
Returns for Buyers

Sending it back

Sometimes things happen. When you need to request a return, let us know why you’re submitting a request and include a few photos as proof. We’ll get back to you within a few days.

How returns work

Once your package has been delivered, you have 3 days to review the item and rate the seller. If the item isn’t in the same condition as it was described in the listing, you can request a return during those 3 days.

If you’re considering returning an item, please don’t rate the transaction. Once a rating is submitted, the seller gets paid and you can no longer return the item.

Please be sure to keep all of your returns through Mercari. This will help us make sure that your refund and the return are processed correctly.

Requesting a return

You can request a return on your item’s Order Status page. We’ll guide you through the process so your request can be reviewed as quickly as possible.

  1. Start your request

    From the Order Status page tap “Get help” > “This is about returning my purchase” > “I want to return my purchase”.

  2. Select a reason

    Let us know why you're requesting a return. We’ll also share this with the seller.

  3. Fill out the details

    Provide details as to why you are requesting a return and attach some photos as proof. Note that we do not accept video files.

Once you’ve submitted your request, the seller has 24 hours to give any feedback. We’ll review your request after the 24 hours has passed.

Want to cancel your return request? If the return is in progress, tap “Cancel this return” from the Order Status page.

Returning the item

Once the return has been approved, we’ll email you a prepaid return label. You can also download the label from your Order Status page.

Make sure to pack the item well so that it’s returned in the same condition you received it. Check out our Packing guidelines for packaging tips.

We ask buyers to ship their return within 3 days of approval. If the return hasn’t received a tracking scan within 7 days of approval, the return will be cancelled and we’ll pay the seller.

Receiving your refund

Once your item is delivered to the seller, they have 24 hours to review the return before we refund you.

Still have questions?

If you still have a question, you can submit a support request here. Contact Support